Representative Name*
This is how it will appear on your nametag.
City & State*
Note your city and state for nametags.
Compliance & Firm Element / Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Required Courses
Representatives may complete a portion of their annual requirements at the ASCEND Conference or take all of the courses online through our vendor, Quest CE. The requirements and options are outlined below. Please select the best option for you. The deadline to complete all requirements is 12/31/2022. Please do not need to fill out this form if you are not physically attending the conference. You can fulfil your requirements online through Quest CE without submitting this form.
Annual Requirements Available at Conference or Online:
The Annual Compliance Meeting and Firm Element Part 1/Anti-Money Laundering courses must be completed at conference or online (online opens 10/10). The conference materials will become available online the week following this annual conference.
Annual Requirements Available Online Only:
Firm Element Part II and the Compliance Questionnaire must be completed online by all Representatives. These requirements are available online only (online opens 10/10).
If you selected an "ONLY" option, please note that you must take the remaining course (Firm Element Part I/AML or Compliance) online in addition to the required online courses (Firm Element Part II and Compliance Questionnaire).
$125 is the discounted fee for the required online courses if you attend the ASCEND Conference, even if you choose to take all of the courses online after conference. The $125 is in addition to the conference fee of $100 (additional $25 per guest). You will be invoiced $125 for the courses after conference.
$250 is the fee to complete courses online if you don't attend the ASCEND Conference.
Since Packerland has prepaid all fees to Quest CE (online course vendor), you do not need to pay prior to taking the courses online. Just sign-in and complete. You will receive an invoice for your courses after conference.
The deadline to complete all of your requirements is 12/31/2022.
We are using Quest CE as the vendor again in 2022 - this has made the annual requirements process and online interface more user friendly for everyone.
Questions? Contact:
Chad Rohm, Compliance Officer, at (920-662-9500) or Victor Kuehl, Compliance Specialist, at (920-662-9500).
Do you have guests or assistants joining you? Please fill out the information below for them ($25 fee per person / per day).
Is Guest/Assistant #1 a registered assistant attending either Compliance or Firm Element/AML? Is Guest/Assistant #2 a registered assistant attending either Compliance or Firm Element/AML? ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY INFORMATION
Please select the number of attendees for each additional activity you and/or your guests/assistants are planning to attend. Reminder that the Dinner and Awards Ceremony will be an additional $25 for guests and assistants.
Wednesday: Welcome Reception Thursday: Dinner and Awards Ceremony. $25 additional for each guest/assistant Thursday: After-Party Hosted by Packerland - Immediately following the Dinner and Awards Ceremony Friday, October 7, 8:00 - 12:00 PM
Medical issues we should be aware of:
Your registration and attendance at this event indicates your consent to be photographed and to the use of your image in marketing collateral and for other promotional/editorial activities of Packerland Brokerage Services - for future use in any and all media, now known or hereafter created. From time to time, Packerland Brokerage Services uses photographs of conference events in our marketing materials; by virtue of their attendance, all conference visitors agree to the use of their likeness in such materials. Packerland Brokerage Services also reserves the right to use such images taken at the conference with your photograph and/or likeness on our website, social media, and/or in future new media channels to promote the organization. If you do not agree to this, please note in the comments below.
Please note any questions or comments and someone from Packerland's Home Office will contact you shortly, or you can contact Mara Maidi at (920-662-9500) or Danielle DeJardin at (920-662-9500).
There are two convenient ways to pay for the 2022 ASCEND Conference: online via credit card (you will select your registration cost below), or by check (we will send you an invoice).
Please select one option below.
If you chose "CREDIT CARD", please indicate your conference registration cost below, including guest(s) registration. Once you do this, submit the registration form. It will ask for your payment information afterwards.
If you chose "CHECK", please skip the payment section below and click the orange "SUBMIT REGISTRATION FORM" button.
Paying Via Credit Card:
For calculating your cost below, the conference fee is $100 and the guest fee is $25 per guest / per day, plus an additional $25 per guest if they are attending Thursday's Awards Dinner . Please indicate the correct price below according to the guests you listed.
For example, one guest attending Thursday's sessions and Thursday's Awards Dinner will be an additional $50 added to your $100 conference registration fee. Two guests attending all sessions and the Awards Dinner, would be an additional $150, making your total $250.
Thank you for registering!